The Hardy Vegetarian

My resolution this year is to try and be more self sufficient, go to the gym more, and loose weight, blah blah blah....but I really do want to be more self sufficient! There are so many efficient ways we can devote our time to besides watching TV, facebooking, etc. There is a great blog that Court showed me over the holidays where the focus is on self sufficiency. Crackers is what inspired my resolution and though Aaron and I don't have a garden, or even a pantry, we can make small changes to decrease our reliance on supermarkets. While saving money at the same time
Japanese Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas are so high in protein and fibre, making them a great mid day snack for lunches, or to have ready and available in a bowl at home. Now of course I don't mean set out a can of chickpeas! In fact I buy mine bagged dry, for a much cheaper price than the can, and there is less preservatives. I soak 2 cups of the dried chickpeas overnight, then rinse and drain them the next day. To cook the chickpeas you boil them in water for about an hour, strain and cool. Transfer them into a mixing bowl and pour in about 2 tablespoons of olive or grape seed oil, and 3 tablespoons of Tamari (Shoyu) Sauce (Japanese soy sauce). Mix together and let marinate for about 30 min. Set the oven on Broil at 475F. Dump the chickpeas on a foiled baking sheet and separate evenly. Broil for about 30-40 min turning half way through. You may want them in for longer depending how crunchy you would like them. They are a deeeelish snack, and a guilt free exchange for chips or boxed crackers. 
* make sure the chickpeas are completely cooled before storing them in a bag or container, condensation will make them soggy.

Okra & Lentil Tomato Stew

This is my version of a Moroccan style stew, with Italian Spices because to me there is nothing better then fresh basil. What about this dish makes me self sufficient? Nothing really, other then realizing how many canned tomatoes I must use in a year, thus my decision to stew and jar my own tomatoes this season, with the help from a community garden and my Grandma Juniper. The recipe breakdown below only makes 3-4 servings, so double up if you wish. 

  • 1/3 Cup Chopped Onion
  • 1 Cup Green lentils (dried)
  • 1 Medium yellow potato
  • 1/2 Cup Celery (Chopped)
  • 1/2 Cup Baby spinach
  • 1 Can Diced tomato
  • 1/4 Cup Okra chopped (frozen)
  • 5 Basil Leaves
  • 1/4 Cup Corn (Frozen)
  • 3 Cloves Garlic (Minced)
  • 1 Pinch Salt
  • 1 Pinch Pepper
  • 1 Dollop Ricotta cheese
  • 1 1/2 tsp Ceyanna pepper
  • 1 tsp Turmeric
  1. Simmer onion in pan for 5 min
  2. Prepare dried lentils in pot, aftter 10 min add potato to boiling water (cut into 4 quarters)
  3. Add celery to pan with onion on medium low heat
  4. Add can of tomato, frozen okra, and corn simmering for 15 minutes
  5. Add spinach and basil
  6. Take potato out of lentil water when near done Cut potato into small pieces and put into pan simmering for 5 min with stew
  7. Take off heat and let sit for 5 min Plate and garnish with dollop of ricotta cheese and chopped fresh basil

The stew is also great over a rice pilaff, if you need more substance to your meal.

My final note is for all my St Catharines readers. This week I discovered a natural foods market down the street from my place in St Catharines, The Peanut Mill. I wanted to mention this because if you are into organics, and natural supplements, check it out if you haven't already. Great for organic baking supplies, and has the best organic chocolate milk on the planet. 

Cheers Friends!


  1. I also wanted to mention that you can buy frozen chopped Okra for as little as $1 a bag.

  2. Thanks for the clarification...I couldn't figure out what you are up to! And Yum on the recipes...except I hate okra!


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